Списание Осем

The Arctic is endangered by petroleum drilling

Varna shows support with the "Save the Arctic" campaign

photo by Samuil Petkov

The Arctic is in danger! Petroleum holdings are engaging in drilling activities upon its territory for oil and gas.

The Arctic is one of the most difficult places on this planet to extract petroleum from. The drilling areas are covered in thick ice more than 2/3 of the time during the year and the usual temperature is -50 C.

An oil spill in the Arctic will have catastrophic consequences. 

The only way to preserve this unique region is to proclaim it a global nature reserve and prohibit completely petroleum drilling and extraction.

The performance "Arctic Fight Club" was held in Varna, supporting the "Save the Arctic" campaign. It's initiator was Neno Belchev.

Read more about the campaign on www.savethearctic.org

And www.greenpeace.org/bulgaria/bg/campaigns/climate_change/arctic/