You're reading these lines now and probably you're wondering where they're going to lead you. They are dedicated to her, nevertheless she will not read them, not by herself at least, for she is
deprived of eyesight as well as of education. Anyway, her story is of the worthwhile kind, one of the stories that remind us what a treasure life is. It tells us that one could find his way to
light even in the overwhelming darkness of bad luck; a ray of light that would lead him ahead and grant him happiness. Once upon a time there lived a blind girl…
Sevgyuler is a happy person regardless of all that has befallen her. She tells us her story while holding her big-black-eyed baby boy Harry in her arms and the smile clings to her face throughout.
What does a dreamt-of royal palace look like, we wonder? All is in our head, for the royal palace of our dreams may be unexpectedly different from the one another person imagines.
While we talk, we're exactly in the palace of Sevgyuler. It's a small, albeit tidy room where there is everything necessary: a full fridge, a cooker… And there is baby Harry. It doesn't matter that
there's the shabby corridor outside and that the past holds loads of bitterness.
"My photos in a magazine?! Dear Lord… I will get a copy afterwards, won't I?" The young woman is surprised at our interest in an open-hearted, artless and yet sincere way. That's exactly what she
herself is, artless and sincere. She's not used to anyone paying too much attention to her. The swarthy girl was born 28 years ago in the region of Ruse. Just like many others, the start of her
story was not at all happy. She was born but she never saw the light of day; her eyes opened up but would never truly serve her. Vision loss occurred due to a congenital disease. Alas, that was not
the only disadvantage of life she had to face from its very first moments. She was born in a large family that had a nomad way of life. Her brother and sister could seldom find common language with
her. Since her father was constantly looking for a job, the family kept moving from one town to the next. Her mother played the pillar of the family and disregarding the misery they lived in, she
took care of Sevgyuler to the best of her abilities.
Probably her mother herself didn't realize that the sightless girl could learn to read and write; that modern technologies offered a variety of choices to the disabled of her kind…
A few years ago the family settled at a village not far away from Sofia. The brother got married to a beautiful woman but according to Sevgyuler the wife wasn't of good nature. At a certain point
the father beat up his daughter-in law, a row followed, then he beat up Sevgyuler few times… That's when she decided to change her life. She was taken in by love and moved in with a man.

Her boyfriend already had a family and a child, though. She went back to her home again only because she received a phone call by her mother who turned out to be badly ill. It was an advanced stage
of lung cancer that proved fatal. At the same time Sevgyuler found out she was carrying a child in her womb… 2010 was when it all happened. She was all alone surrounded by bad conditions of life at
her home; there were conflicts and even physical violence; her family tried to make her leave the baby at a children's home after giving birth. Had her beloved one been aware of the fact he was
soon going to become a father, he would have most probably advised her on the same… Sevgyuler, on her behalf, wanted to have that child so much, at any cost, despite everything in her life.
Fortunately, after the police got few signals for domestic abuse, they addressed the Social Care Department which took up the situation. Animus Association provided the necessary medical care to
Sevgyuler and took her to a hospital… May 11, 2011 was when the greatest miracle of her life happened; a little dark-eyed boy was born. Sevgyuler named him Harun. "I warned the doctors I would not
give him away. I was going to take care of him, regardless of misery. He would be better off together with me anyway." Her brother visited her at the hospital, decided on making her leave the
You can read the full story of the inspiring blind mother and her courageous struggle to raise her child in issue 1/2013 yr of Magazine Ossem!